Plateau roulant
Présentation de nos plateaux roulants en métal durable – le complément parfait à toute installation de fumage. Dites adieu aux plateaux fragiles et facilement pliables et bonjour à une option robuste et fiable qui durera des années.
Fabriqués avec des bords lisses et incurvés, ces plateaux sont conçus pour empêcher toute herbe errante de s'échapper ou de rester coincée dans les coins embêtants. Disponibles en deux tailles – petit (11" x 7") et grand (13,5" x 11") - ces plateaux rectangulaires sont parfaits pour tous les besoins de roulage.
Que vous soyez un fumeur aguerri ou débutant, nos plateaux à rouler en métal sont un accessoire incontournable. Alors pourquoi se contenter de moins ? Améliorez votre jeu de fumage dès aujourd'hui avec nos plateaux roulants de qualité supérieure.
- Petit : 11" x 7"
- Grand : 13,5" x 11"
- Forme: Rectangulaire
- Matériel: Métal
- Inclus : un plateau roulant

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Product specifications
Our products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and performance.
Rolling Tray
Whether you're a seasoned smoker or just starting out, our metal rolling trays are an essential accessory. Their sleek, practical design not only enhances your rolling experience but also adds a touch of sophistication to your setup. These trays are versatile enough to accommodate a wide range of smoking accessories, making your preparation process smoother and more enjoyable.
The laser-etched Castle Glassworks logo guarantees that the design will not wear away, even under high heat.
The silicate beads inside the banger change color with temperature, turning red when hot, allowing you to dab at the perfect temperature every time.
Crafted from premium quartz, known for excellent heat retention and durability, the Silicate Banger enhances your dabbing setup.
Want to know more?
Are the trays easy to clean?
Yes, the smooth surface of our metal trays makes them very easy to clean. Simply wipe them down with a damp cloth or use mild soap and water for a thorough clean.
Can I use the trays for other purposes besides rolling?
While our trays are specifically designed for rolling, their durable construction and convenient size make them versatile for various uses, such as organizing small items or serving as a general-purpose tray.
How do these trays compare to plastic or wooden trays?
Metal trays are generally more durable and resistant to wear and tear compared to plastic or wooden trays. They offer a sturdier surface and are less prone to bending or breaking, providing a longer-lasting solution.